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Fungizone (amphotericin B) 50 mg IV, BMS USA

Article: B-15
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0 $
130 $


  • Fungizone for intravenous administration should be administered primarily to patients suffering from progressive potentially fatal infections. The drug should not be used to treat the usual forms of fungal infections, manifested only by positive results of skin tests or bacteriological tests. Fungizone for intravenous infusion is especially suitable for the treatment of cryptococcosis (torulosis); North American blastomycosis; disseminated forms of candidiasis, coccidioidomycosis and histoplasmosis, mucormycosis (phycomycosis) caused by strains of the genus Mucor, Rhizopus, Absidia, Entomophthora, as well as Basidiobolus sporotrichosis (Sporotrichium schenckii), aspergillosis (Aspergillus fumigatus). Amphotericin may be helpful in the treatment of American mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, but is not the drug of choice for primary therapy.
  • Interchangeable drugs with the same active ingredient:
  • Ampholip
  • Amphotret
  • Fungizome
  • Fungizone
  • Commercial name:
  • Сhemical name:
    Амфотерицин липосомальный
  • Dosage:
    50 mg
  • Release form:
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